History of group

The ethnographic group of songs and dances Trnka at Military University of the Ground Forces in Vyškov raised in 1975. The students of Secondary Military School and Military College and the boys and girls from Vyškov and its surroundings dance there.

Photo of dance 'Trnka' - cooking of plum jam

The group finds the theme for their repertoire not only in literature about the area called Haná but also from local tradition.

The group is a regular guest on all cultural events in the town and its surrounding.

Program and Performance of the folklore group Trnka were many times recorded by television and Army publicity film.

During their work members of the group are satisfied that area of Haná has a unique and rich culture, expressively different from another ethnographic area in Moravia and Bohemia. They give this nice beauty to their receptive audience and this way enriches cultural life not only in Vyškov and Haná but also everywhere the group Trnka performs its programs.

Current affairs

The folklore group Trnka receives to it's center new girls, boys and musicians who is interested in folklore dance, music and song.

Ze srdce Vám Trnka přeje,
ať se na Vás štěstí směje,
mnoho úspěchů ať máte
50. výročí Trnky dočkáte.

Věříme, že nám svou přízeň zachováte a na výročí, které oslavíme v sobotu 26. října 2025 v 19 h na Klubu kasáren Dědice, se s námi setkáte.

TRNKA Vyškov 

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